Friday, November 4, 2011

One last nice day

October 26, 2011

Last Monday, the boys and I headed up to the gravel to play ... again. But I told the boys that it could potentially be one of the last nice days that we have to play outside. Soon it would be time for jackets, then heavy coats, scarves and hats. 

So we took full advantage of the day because it was supposed to rain the rest of the week. We drove up the hill in Heath's truck. Mainly because Cash wanted to take his John Deere loader, and I didn't want to have to carry it later.

Cash loaded his dump truck, dumped it, and raced it up and down the gravel pile many more times. 

What a big boy he's become! Handsome, too! But being the mom, I guess I'm a little partial to my boys, right?
We ventured over to our green and blue slides. B did most of the sliding while Cash did most of the climbing. He found a spider up there and wanted me to come kill it.

Fun-loving, laid back, cute-as-can-be, 100% boy.

He spotted the neighbor's German shepherd. "It's okay, mommy. He's the nice dog."

Here's little B going down the blue slide.

The spider was still on the fence post. I hadn't gotten around to killing it yet. He decided to get down himself, find a stick, climb back up the fence and kill it himself.
In the meantime, Baylen had decided to climb on top of his dump truck in the playhouse to kill his pretend spider (just like big brother). These boys are always on the move.

And that's just the way I like them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

B standing in the dumptruck reminds me of some of our workers who, when they can't reach something, stand in backhoe buckets....not OSHA compliant.
