Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Handsome boys

What a better time to take pictures of my handsome boys, than right before church, right? They're fresh out of their Saturday night baths, best clothes on, and bright and happy in the morning...

at least that was my idea. Here's how the photo session went.

They found their favorite outside toys and both decided to burn off some extra energy before getting in the car.

 Doesn't B look all grown up? Where's my baby?

Cash loves his new "church shoes," as he calls them. They're size 9 1/2. Big boy!

They took turns trying to crash into each other. Thankfully, none of the collisions were too bad. :)

That face...

and that smile make my heart happy.


This guy was stirring up some leaves. Look at that dump truck go!

Whether on the go or sitting still, I do believe that I've been blessed with two extremely handsome, fast-growing, happy boys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the bottom part and they are blessed with a great mother as well !!!