Friday, November 11, 2011

Flashback Friday

Do you see that precious face? Oh, how my heart melts. Here's my little Cash, 18 months old, helping Heath make coffee. This is something he LOVED to help do. We decided that he loved the process of it all. Here he is pushing the button on the coffee grinder.

Again, he LOVED pushing that button. Heath loved it that he was interested in coffee at such a young age. Ha!

Yay! There's the ground coffee.

Pour in the grounds, turn on the button, and ...

listen for the sound. Too cute! This was a Saturday and Sunday morning thing for these two. Anytime Cash heard Heath get the coffee out and start with the grinder, he'd drop everything and run to the kitchen to help.

And look who has taken an interest now! Here's B at 19 months doing the same thing. (New jammies and new kitchen, same grinder and coffee pot.)

He loves pushing the button on the grinder, too, to help daddy with his "ta-teee."

Yes, I think I may have two more coffee addicts on my hands. I might as well buy stock in Starbucks!

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