Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I didn't get very many good pictures tonight. I think it was because both the boys were excited about getting in the car to go trick-or-treating. We started off with a stop at our neighbor's house. I thought it would be a good start, but it quickly turned sour because of the amount of toys at their house. Instead of getting their treats and heading to the next house, they went straight in, found their favorite toys and started to play. They didn't want to leave! We'll know next year to make that stop the last stop before going home.

After seeing that there weren't any lights on around the neighborhood, we decided to go into town to one of my teacher friend's neighborhoods. We've stopped by her house the past few years, so we decided to try it again. Plus, I wanted her to get to see the boys. She let us park in her driveway and we made our way to about ten of the houses on her street. 

Cash LOVED trick-or-treating, and he seemed to really come out of his shyness. He'd knock on the door, say "trick-or-treat" in his cutest voice, and say a big thank-you on the way down the stairs. B enjoyed it, too. He thought he was something big! He didn't want to be carried from house to house, and he wanted to carry his own bucket. You can imagine how slow our trip was! By the third or fourth house, he was saying "trick treeeeeet!" and a sweet "dank-ooo!" too. Heath and I really enjoyed walking from house to house with the boys. It was fun family time. The weather was great, and the boys were having fun.

One of the houses we visited even gave the boys toothbrushes! Cash was very excited because I had told him how I used to get a toothbrush when I went trick-or-treating from the dentist down the street. When he saw it, he yelled, "Mommy, I got a toothbrush just like you!"

Around 6:30, we packed up and headed to our church's Harvest Fest. They had announced at church the day before that there would be a dump truck slide, and of course, Cash asked about it all day long. He was anxious to get there, and when we arrived, we were not disappointed. It was super cool! Cash wore it out, too. There was also a bouncy house, hot dogs, chili and smores. It was a fun time with our church family.

Here are some pictures of the boys. I didn't get any of them trick-or-treating or on the slides. We were just having too much fun to carry around my camera!

Here's my little lion and pirate ready to go trick-or-treating. They were excited about getting to light their pumpkins, but even more excited about the treats!

It's becoming harder and harder to get a good picture of Cash. He doesn't want to smile for mommy's camera anymore.

We carved pumpkins the night before (I'll post pictures sometime). B's has a "mad" face and Cash's has a "happy smile."

B really likes the lion that comes on before every Tom and Jerry cartoon (the MGM lion). I think that's where the idea for being a lion came from.

Wherever the idea came from, I decided that I wanted him to be something soft, cute and cuddly for one more year. Next year, I'm sure he'll have something else in mind.

As for Cash, he said over and over again that he wanted to be a fireman for Halloween. When we went to pick out costumes though, he saw that the pirate costume came with a sword. Of course, he changed his mind. Too bad in the weeks before Halloween he broke both his sword and B's sword while playing. Heath tried one more time to fix his before going trick-or-treating, but it just didn't work. I think it was okay. He wouldn't have been able to get so much candy if he had to pack a sword, too!

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