Monday, November 14, 2011

Pumpkin carving

You really know you're behind on blogging when you post pumpkin carving pictures in the middle of November...

The night before Halloween this year, we decided to carve our pumpkins. I had a special book this year that I was excited to share with the boys. The Pumpkin Patch Parable by Liz Curtis Higgs is a book that I highly suggest you look into if you've got little ones. It takes the idea of the jack-o-lantern and makes it into an awesome way to share the story of the Gospel with your kids. It includes scripture at the bottom of each page, too - got to love that!

Here's the best picture I got of the boys before we started our pumpkin carving. Hilarious! As you can see, they were excited, but they both sat pretty still as we read our book. I bought the board book version, perfect for my guys.

Cash was pretty bummed because he broke the handle off his right before we started carving, but he was still flapping his arms and excited about it.

Oh, my! 

I didn't have high hopes for this part. In the years past, Cash hasn't gotten into the pulling-out-pumpkin-guts part, so I didn't think he would this year either. I did remember to bring the pumpkin inside early to warm it up, but it didn't help much. He stuck his hand in ...

and didn't like it too much.

B didn't even stick in his hand. He was more interested in his pumpkin's top. Oh, well. Heath and I got in there and scraped them clean!

Here's Heath and Cash with lil' man's finished pumpkin face!

Next it was B's pumpkin, but he was in the living room playing with puzzles, so Heath took over.

Yay for pumpkin faces! B didn't seem to mind that his was an "angry face," as Cash called it. They both looked great all lit up!

And here's our end-of-the-night picture... "you have to smile, Baylen."

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