Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thankful for memories-in-the-making

On Sunday afternoon, we had our last Thanksgiving get-together at my Granny's house. My parents, sister and her family, my aunt and uncle, two cousins and their family/girlfriend were all there, too. We even had an extra-special visitor, my great-aunt Janette came to see all the "little ones" and eat lunch with us. It was a loud, fun, yummy afternoon!

Here's Grandad with his two big boys. He had to eat and run because he had a special band practice for an upcoming event.

This is my cousin Josh with his niece, Kenle. She's in between Cash and Kennick in age. We love having a little bit of girliness in the middle of the rough and dirty boys!

Where was B? He was sitting in Grammy's lap eating some Italian Creme cake, of course!

Pile on! Cash, Kenle and Kennick ran and jumped on my cousin, Jeremiah, and Derek. It was a tickling, laughing, squealing couch of fun!

Can't you tell?

And here's Gran-Granny with the great-grandbabies. I had to include this picture first for laughs. When Granny originally sat down, she kind of squished little B. It took awhile for Kathy and I to recover from laughing to actually take pictures. :)

This one was a little better...

But this was is the best shot that I got. Not perfect, but as good as it gets with 4 squirmy ones!

Someone loved sitting in his Gran-Granny's lap. He was definitely winding down and getting a bit sleepy.

Jeremiah hid behind the couch to scare the big kids. Hilarious! I think by now Aunt Janette had left to go home. I'm not sure she knew what she was getting into when she agreed to lunch with this bunch!

The afternoon ended with some funny faces shared between Josh and Kenle.

What a blessed group we are! It was an afternoon of food, family, fun and lots of laughs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad your back to blogging, I have read and enjoyed every one of them. Love the good pictures, especially of Kenle !!