Saturday, November 5, 2011

October was a blur

 It seems that October was a complete blur. Where did it go? I'm blogging along, thinking that I'm caught up, and here it is November, and I find several pictures that weren't posted for October***. Oh, dear.

We were busy. That's for sure. But what were we busy doing? Here's a look at some moments from October that (somehow) didn't get documented. :)

We were busy getting honey in our hair and eating chocolate chip cookies. (It never fails that B gets something sticky in his hair at least one meal per day.)

We were also busy having a grand time at Rich Pond's Fall Fellowship at the Pemberton's Farm.

I didn't get any pictures of the boys running and playing with friends or on the hayride, but I did get a few pictures of them enjoying their supper.

Cash was so very excited to wear his new camouflage shirt. He was "just like daddy."

We were also busy visiting our friends Jennifer and Hannah in Russellville. Of course, Cash wanted to feed Donald the duck. (Do you see him swimming over?)

Donald was very thankful, and the boys were very much in awe of Hannah's pet duck.

We were also busy trying to get a fun picture on Hannah's cool chairs next to the willow tree, but it didn't work.

Thanks for a fun playdate, Hannah Marie!

We were also busy playing with the crayons at the library's Halloween party. After snacks and lots of Halloween-y stories, we made a fun spider with our handprints!

We were super excited that Anne Rhoades and Emaline joined us for the party!

Yes, oh, yes. October was busy, and November has already started the same way - full of friends, fun, family, learning, God's grace and mercy, and lots of playing!

*** I try to post as many pictures as I can because this has taken the place of my scrapbooking. I hope to, at the year's end, be able to print my blog instead of having to scrapbook all the pictures. We'll see how that works...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sure am jealous of your friends pond, seems mine has sprung a leak.