Thursday, February 23, 2012

At the gun range

The other morning while we were eating breakfast, I noticed quite a few rather large birds flying just behind the house above the field across the river. (That was a lot of prepositional phrases, but you get the idea, right?) You see, when I sit at my seat for breakfast, I'm facing the back of the house that overlooks the hill going down to the river, and on the other side of the river is a beautiful farm. That particular morning, lots of huge birds were catching my eye as I was eating with the boys. Then it dawned on me. Heath had killed an opossum the day before and thrown it over the hill. Lovely. Yes, they were buzzards, huge buzzards (and later that day we saw two red-tail hawks).

I pointed the huge buzzards out to the boys. They hurried to finish their breakfast and then went to the windows to check them out, count them, and keep up with where they all landed. We counted eight total, and they were all around the backyard sitting in the tops of trees. We had never had an opossum cause such a flock of scavengers before.

What did the boys do next? They grabbed their guns, of course!

Here they are taking aim at the one in the tree just outside the breakfast nook window.

B was seriously on a war path. He meant business. "Dat buzzard in my tree! Pew! Pew" (He has sweet little shooting noises - if gun noises can be cute. But really, from this little 23 month old, they are!)

Yes, indeed. He was ready for them to make their move!

Cash got bored with waiting for them to move and decided to go rabbit hunting.

Baylen wanted his turn at hitting the rabbit. This is a sweet stuffed rabbit that goes with the book Guess How Much I Love You. Leave it to my boys to use it for hunting practice.

What a shot!

Looks like we're having rabbit soup for supper!


Sara Crane said...

oh my gosh - how fun!! totally something I could see happening over here too!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Is Cash getting ready to field dress the rabbit?