Friday, February 17, 2012

Back to life

Since last weekend, our household has been through a lot. Nothing too bad, it could have been worse. But I'll have to say that the biggest downfall of having two little guys close in age is that when they get sick, it's hard to care for both of them. Two little boys wanted to be held. Two little boys wanted to cuddle and rock. Two were coughing and needing kisses. And there's only one mommy. Good thing for Grammy! She came to the rescue two days this week, and Heath was able to come home early one day. Shew... It's been a tiring week of fevers, coughs, ear infections, some vomiting, and lots of whining and crying. After a full week of it all, I think we're finally coming back to life. Praise God!

Looking back, I wanted to be able to remember some of these moments. As hard as they were on the boys (and Heath and I), it's part of raising babies! Grammy came one day with a ball of yarn, one of Cash's favorite things to play with. Instead of playing with it, though, he cuddled with it while watching Tom and Jerry.

Napping in Mommy and Daddy's bed. I wanted him to be downstairs so I could keep an eye on him. His fever was pretty high at times.

Don't take this the wrong way. B had his rough days, too, but this was taken Wednesday when he was feeling better. We were in the playroom building with our blocks while Cash was resting. Smiling here...

and coughing here.

Thankfully the fevers are down this morning, and there's even been some arguing and fussing between the two, so I know things are getting back to normal. :)

1 comment:

Sara Crane said...

Soooo glad to see your little honeys are feeling better!