Saturday, February 18, 2012

Silly faces and tracing with Daddy

See this sweet face? 

Although he loves his school games, lately he hasn't been very cooperative with tracing and practicing his letters. 

But on this day, he's super excited and a little goofy.

Why? Because on this particular afternoon, he wanted to show his Daddy how he could trace and write his letters. Sometimes it just takes a little something special to make tedious school games fun.

Don't take this picture wrong. Cash sat in Heath's lap while he traced the letters on the front and then wrote them freehanded on the back. Heath was paying attention and loved every minute of watching our lil' man work. At this second, though, he was staring out the window and eating chocolate. Nice looking M though, right?

And of course, my B was at the other end of the table working hard, too. I wrote a B for him, and then he decorated the rest of the paper with "circles."

Heath helped Cash go back through and practice every letter we've learned so far. That's 11, in case you're wondering. He did an awesome job!

B kept smiling, laughing at me, and making more and more circles.

I got a kick out of Cash telling Heath how to make the letters. "Dis one has a curve and a top." "Dis one is two lines and a cross." So cute.

Yes, it was a fun afternoon of silly faces and tracing with Daddy.

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