Thursday, February 9, 2012

A nature walk

I have been so very thankful for the nice weather lately. So. Very. Thankful.

It seems that my two little guys get a little grumpy when they can't spend some time outside. 

So most afternoons, when they wake up from their naps, we grab our jackets and boots, and go for a walk. It's good for them and great for mommy.

We set out with no real plan, but it seems that we either end up at the woodpile or taking a stroll down the gravel road in the "big tree forest" next to our house.

Sometimes we take our hiking sticks, sometimes we take our binoculars (toilet paper tubes taped together), sometimes we take our dump trucks or tractors, and other days we just set off empty-handed, like on this particular day.

I didn't have my camera, so I took a few pictures with my (not so great quality) camera phone. B especially needs this refreshing outside time. Lately, he's been waking up in some pretty crummy moods. The walk eases his mood and helps me keep my sanity.

Instead of climbing the big hill with me, Cash and B decided to blaze their own trail. Cash had a stick in hand that he was "watting dos ticky bushes." B fell at one point. He cried for a second, but was fine as Cash took his hand and led him up the hill towards the house. It was nice to see big brother taking care of little brother. 

Although I'd like to see some snow this winter, I am so happy to see these 55 degree, warm days. So very happy.

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