Monday, February 27, 2012

Music Tots

After moving our membership to Rich Pond Baptist Church last August, we have fallen head over heals in love with every aspect of the church! Our new church family has embraced us with loving arms, we've made friends for life, and our hearts have been both blessed and convicted by the overwhelming amount of scripture that is poured out to us each week. There is definitely no "famine" of the Word. 

Our boys have also found their spot in the children's ministry. Baylen loves his play time in the nursery, and he's getting ready to move up to the two year old class. Cash is now in the rather large three year old class with his friends, and he's also loving Mission Kids on Wednesday nights and Music Tots on Sunday nights. Although he's still shy and my little introvert, he speaks of all his friends to Heath and I, shows concern for them when they are absent, and tells stories about what everyone did during "church."

On February 19th, they had Parents' Night for the Music Tots. After enjoying worship time and a little lesson from Mr. Jim in the sanctuary, we were able to walk down to their room to see what Music Tot time was all about. 

First, we had a craft. We were making a salvation bracelet. They have been learning the different colors each month. Cash wore black one night, red another night and last week he wore white.

Here's the class with the parents' helping out. Heath takes a church history class on Sunday nights, so he didn't come, but I enjoyed the time with my lil' man.

A huge thanks to Brice for taking some pictures while I was helping Cash and another friend with their bracelets.

 These are two of his sweeties, Maddie and Zachary. Cash loves Maddie and her big sister, Grace. Did I mention I went to school with their mom, Julie? Small world.

Here we are, hard at work. I'm thinking Brice takes much better pictures than I do with my camera. Hmmm....

Here's one of Cash's best buddies, Brody, with his parents Shelly and Mike. Love this family!

Cash was very unsure about putting the bracelets back in the baggies. He wanted to wear it, but his teachers were planning on keeping all of them so they could wear them during the program at the end of the semester. Smart idea!

After craft time, each child sat on a carpet square to sing some songs and play some listening games.

Here they are playing one of the listening games. Ms. Robin would play a sound on her CD and the kids would point to the picture of what they think made the sound. These kids really impressed me with their listening skills! 

What an absolute joy it is to feel the warmth and love of our church family, watching our children grow in it, and knowing that as we are praying for our boys' salvation, our church family is praying for it, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you are enjoying your new church family