Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Christening the compost bin

On the 28th of January, we moved my brand new compost bin outside. Heath and I had debated on where to put it for awhile. I wanted it close to the garden so we could easily use the compost for fertilizer, but I didn't want to have to take scraps all the way up the hill every time we filled up the bowl. So we decided to make a place just outside the walk-out basement. The boys worked hard and helped Heath clear a place for it in the gravel.

Here they are, hard at work. It was chilly, but they didn't seem to mind the cold since they were digging with their shovels in the gravel.

I'm not sure why Baylen got so upset, but this is what happened when Heath and I lifted the HUGE, HEAVY compost bin and carried it outside. He was not happy at all. Good thing big brother was there to comfort him. 

Next, the boys helped Heath put the slats back in the front of the bin. One by one they carried the boards out and helped Heath slide them in.

Such strong, helpful boys!

What a picture -- he loves his hats, and I love that he loves his hats.

B was very proud of himself for helping Heath.

Yes, we took a picture before Cash dumped the first bowl of scraps into the bin. I'm a dork, and I don't mind admitting it. I can imagine in the coming years, I'll look back at this picture and admire how clean the compost bin looks.

1 comment:

amy pike said...

oh my, B looks so much like Cash in the second hat picture. Love those sweet boys.