Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter morning

I didn't really know what to expect on Easter morning. I knew that we probably wouldn't have time to go through the Easter baskets before church, but I sat them out anyway. 

Here's what the boys found when they came downstairs. (And no, we don't do the Easter bunny. The boys know that the surprises in their baskets are from mommy and daddy.)

Here they are giving Easter morning hugs. They were very excited about the baskets, but understood that we had to eat breakfast and get ready for church.

Easter 2012 -- this picture looks like they are both caught in mid sentence

Cash all dressed for church in his Easter outfit. Truth be known, I bought these coordinating outfits last year for them, and they were both too big. Thankfully, they fit this year!

And here's happy B in his overalls (what do you call them?). Pretty, stinkin' handsome if you ask me.

After a quick breakfast, we headed to church for Sunday school and Worship with our church family. What an awesome blessing to be able to sing praises to a risen Savior!

"Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen." Luke 24:5b-6a

1 comment:

Cissy Lea said...

Jon-jon. The little one-piece Baylen is wearing is called a jon-jon. :) They're the southern male equivalent to smocked dresses for little girls. And the madras plaid is killing me - so cute!