Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter with the family

After eating some lunch and resting, we loaded the boys and their baskets in the car to go to Glasgow. We stopped at mom and dad's first where the three grandboys had fun-filled baskets waiting for them from Grammy and Grandad.

Happy cousins!
Hershey kisses, new water shoes, foamy-doh and Crayola wipe-off boards - Grammy knows how to fill a basket!

They also got these bunnies pedaling bicycles carrying jelly beans. We found that B is a huge fan of every color of jelly bean. Heath, too. Me, not so much.

Then we headed down the road to Roseville for some egg-hunting and yummy eating with the rest of the family. B went straight inside to sneak some snacks from Gran-Granny, but Cash went straight to work hunting eggs with Kenle and Kennick.

Notice the tongue - great concentration needed while hunting eggs

Someone is an awfully skilled hider!

A little too good, maybe! I had to help Cash on this one.

Kennick was busy filling his basket,

while Josh was helping Kenle find some and fill hers.

So much fun! It was a bit chilly, but they had a great time collecting the colorful eggs!

The two oldest "babies"

Finally B got a full stomach and after supper he decided to join us for some egg hunting. This one had a monkey imprinted on it. He thought it was something special. Can't you tell?

Kennick had a fun wooden basket that he had no trouble at all filling up.

I love this one. We told the kids to go inside and hide their eyes. It looks like a prayer meeting going on in Gran-Granny's bedroom. It's not, just a handful of cuties hiding their eyes, counting, and waiting until all the eggs were hidden. :)

the Easter bunny

Here's J.P. helping with the eggs. You know you're running out of places to hide them when you use people as props. 

And to end the evening, as the sun was setting, Jeremiah, then Josh, then Heath climbed the big tree in Gran-Granny's yard. It's perfect for climbing and sitting. B wanted to get in on it, too. I see a lot of tree climbing in this boy's future.

What another perfectly wonderful evening with my family - love them all!

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