Friday, April 13, 2012

Novice photographer

Before we went in, I wanted one good picture of Heath and I together. I knew we couldn't get a full family picture, but I was hoping that Cash could take a picture of mommy and daddy together for Easter. This was the backdrop I picked out. The last blooming dogwood on the edge of the old road that goes into the "big tree forest." We handed Cash the camera, tried to show him where to point and such - here's what we got.

I believe these are hickory trees.

Heath decided to help Cash out some more, while I stood holding a tired little brother.

I'd like to think this was a close shot.


Then we got a shot of Ruth.

Finally, a picture of Heath and I (with Ruth). The dogwood isn't really in the picture and it's not so close-up, but for a three year-old, it's perfect!

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