Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ready to plant

This past Tuesday afternoon, we had our garden spot tilled to get ready for planting. 

Cash was awake to watch, but B was still napping. It was pretty chilly, so we sat in the truck and watched him run his tractor over the ground. It took him less than fifteen minutes - we have a very small garden patch.

But here it is! I'm excited about it, as I truly enjoying gardening. I've been talking to my granny and aunt to get some more pointers. I've bought some seeds and a few plants already, too. I'm planning on trying to get started this Friday and Saturday because the "sign is right" (that'll have to be a whole different blog post). I've also got my super cute garden stakes that my sister painted for me that I'm excited to use. I'm praying for a fruitful harvest, lots of outdoor time with my boys, and hopefully a few lessons along the way!

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