Sunday, April 22, 2012

Turkey season

On Thursday, the 19th, I met a friend and her two sons at the park for a playdate. On the way home, I got a phone call from Heath informing me that he had just shot a three year-old turkey in the backyard. At first, I didn't believe him, but as he told the story, I noticed that he was out of breath. An adrenaline rush usually comes after a good kill, so I began to believe him. 

The boys and I drove home talking about the turkey, the size and what it might look like. They had seen hens in the yard before, but never a gobbler. When we got home, the boys quickly ran to the backyard. Heath had actually shot it from the edge of the front porch, but it was in the side of the backyard. 

Here's the proud "hunter" with his two biggest fans. On a day that he decided to work from home, he just happened to look out the kitchen window while getting some lunch...

Heath decided to take Cash hunting with him that next Saturday morning. They left around 10:00 for Logan County, and after a short nap in the truck, Cash was ready to walk to the blind and sit with daddy. Cash was very excited before they left. (I was busy keeping Baylen preoccupied, or I would have taken a picture.)

I packed plenty of snacks for Cash. Here he is eating a granola bar in the blind. He had a great time, and they saw some turkeys, but none came close enough. Heath even let Cash try to call them in. He said that Cash talked a lot, which I guess was okay since they were in the blind. He said he would ask questions, point out the bugs that were crawling around, and just chat. I love that they had some good Cash-daddy time together, just the two of them. 

It must have been quite the adventure. This is the picture Heath sent me on the drive home.

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