Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A walk in our "big tree forest"

One afternoon after naps this week, we decided to go on a walk through the "big tree forest." You see, our neighbors, M and L have always owned the "big tree forest" (this is what Cash calls it), but this month, we decided to buy the property from them so now it's officially our "big tree forest," although Cash's still refers to it as theirs. *sigh*

Goggles, boots and jacket on - ready to go!

But first the motorcycle had a flat, and it had to be fixed...

Big brother waiting patiently - he loves taking walks around the yard and through the woods. (I do, too!)

Here we go! Everything was so green and pretty and TALL! We had to make our own path down the hill being careful to watch for "sticker bushes."

B had his "whapping stick." It's for "whapping those 'ticker bushes."

It never fails that we have company on our walks.

Off we go. I LOVE this kind of time with my boys. Being outside, fresh air, watching them explore and learn. They are so big.

And cute!

Told ya so.

This branch was in the way. It was a good thing that Baylen brought along his hand saw. :)

We finally made it through the "big tree forest," and of course, we had to spend some time at the gravel pile.

I remarked at how colorful the trees and bushes were, so Cash said he would stand in front of it so I could take his picture.

Monkey see, monkey do. Oh, how I love my monkeys!

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