Wednesday, October 17, 2012


On the afternoon of the 13th, we joined our neighbors for the 2nd annual Moats Lane street potluck. It was so much fun and so well attended last year, we decided to do it again. It was another warm afternoon, food was yummy, and the company was the best. It's such a blessing to live in an area where people do care and want to know their neighbors. It's something to be celebrated!
Come one, come all- on your four-wheeler, or ...

your car or ride your tractor on over!

Some people even walked, of course.

Heath helped with the grilling again this year.

Kids were everywhere! Here's three of the four Jackson grandkids!

And here's my little B munching on some cheese!

Mike was busy with the other grill. Earlier that day he pattied out 56 hamburgers!

There was a football game going on with the bigger kids,

while the adults caught up on the latest news.

Elizabeth was busy pedaling her tractor, but stopped for a quick smile.
Kate found that this was the best view of all the food on the wagon. :)

I think the kids agree that the food was superb! (Seriously, there were at least 12 kiddos five and under!)

My guys

Here's our neighbor friends standing in line. Mike pulled his wagon to the cul-de-sac to put all the food on. It works out perfectly.

He also brought his HUGE American flag. What's more American that our country's flag, a street potluck, an old pick-up truck and a country sunset? Love it!

Oh, we can't forget to mention the highlight of the night - Mr. Scotty's cannon! He gets it out only for the most special occasions!
B was ready (notice the child has no shoes or boots - I gave up a long time ago).

It was fired twice, welcoming our new neighbors and celebrating the fellowship that we all have together. What a fun afternoon!

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