Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Extreme Fitness 5k

When I woke up Saturday morning, I couldn't believe I had signed up for yet another 5k. This made my second race in two weeks, and I had two 5ks the next Saturday. Geez. But this one was going to be fun - it was in Glasgow, for a good cause, and I would be running with my bestest friend from way-back-when, Bhavini. Her dad is the main-founding-guy for Community Care in Glasgow, and since the money benefitted their work, Bhavini and David always came home to run the race. 

It was a super chilly morning, but as they race started, the sun came out and it didn't feel too bad. The course was a bit hilly (I've decided that all courses in Glasgow are hilly, by the way), but I was able to finish in a decent time. I didn't start my watch at the start line, so I'm not sure on the time, but I'm guessing it was right at 30 minutes.

Bhavini and I after we finished (she went off and left me, just in case you're wondering, which seems to be a pattern with the people I choose to race with)

Bhavini and David

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