Tuesday, October 16, 2012

BG 10k Classic

We did it! The big race that we were working up to was the Bowling Green 10k Classic. On Saturday, the 13th, Karalee and I met Amy at the start line. While trying to keep warm, we ran (not literally) into two other Glasgow girls, Amber Hurt and Laurie (Vance) Basham. We posed for this pre-race pic and then away we went!
I had SO MUCH FUN! It was a great course, perfect running weather, awesome atmosphere and the finish line was inside the WKU football field. I finished in 1:03:07! That's a 10:12 average pace (6.2 miles)! Yay for me!

Up next? There's a few more 5ks later this month, then I'm slowing down for a bit. I'll keep running, but the racing part is taking a toll on the budget! :)

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