Wednesday, October 10, 2012

We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo!

On Monday, the 8th, we all four had appointments to see our holistic practitioner in Louisville. While we love to visit with her, we are usually ready to stretch our legs and have some fun after a morning in her office. So ... we decided to go to the Louisville Zoo for a few hours before heading back to Bowling Green.

This was taken in a dark shelter, and we were trying to figure out what we were looking for. Smile!

Hilarious! This orangutan showed himself right after I took that last picture. The boys were amazed! 

Yes, on the other side of that glass was a very curious, very hairy guy! The boys, of course, thought he was funny.

Isn't he something? HUGE, but just hanging out.

They had the Halloween festivities out, and the boys had fun checking out the different stops. In my opinion, this is the way to do it - no crowds!

Here's another orangutan. The boys had many questions about the "spot on its lip." Do orangutans have moles? 

Inside an aviary, Heath made friends with this pretty bird. It wasn't scared of him, came right up and starting making some crazy noises.

Heath couldn't get enough of it. I think Cash was telling Daddy to "stop that" in this picture.

Penguins are great. The boys would agree.

The realistic backdrop made me feel like I was in Antarctica. (not really)

But the fun boulders in the penguin room were fun to climb on!

"Um, I'm not sure you're supposed to be in there boys."

"You be the girl, mommy, and I'll be the boy." Okay! :)

And last on the route (that we took) was the giraffe. 

Seriously, a membership to the zoo is the best idea ever!

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