Sunday, October 30, 2011

A conversation with Cash

Tonight before bed, Cash and I were downstairs in the living room. He looked over and said, "A heart, mommy." There was a heart on one of the anniversary cards that we had standing on the bar in the kitchen.

"Yes, it is, Cash. That's a heart on mommy and daddy's card." I took his hand, and we started walking upstairs to get ready for bed.

"A heart is in my tummy just like I was in your tummy," he explained to me as we got to his room.

"Yeah," I agreed even though I wanted to explain to him that your heart isn't really in your tummy, but it was late, and it wasn't the best time for a human anatomy lesson.

As I tucked him in his bed he informed me, "Mommy, I didn't like it in your tummy."

Because he remembers, right? "You didn't? I liked it when you were in my tummy, Cash. God put you there, and you grew and grew and grew until it was time for you to be born. Then you came out of mommy's tummy."

"But how did I get out? There's no hole for me to climb out of." Hilarious!

"Well, remember Bhavini Mashi? Her mommy actually made a hole in mommy's tummy so you could get out." (I had to have a C-section because Cash was breech.)

"And then did I climb out, mommy?"

"Yes, Cash. Then you climbed out." :)

1 comment:

amy pike said...

I love they way they think.