Monday, January 31, 2011

Vitamin D

We were so thankful for two beautiful, sunny days this weekend. (Especially me. Having two boys cooped up in a house isn't good for mommy either.)

Baylen, I think, enjoyed it the most, though. Keep in mind he started walking around Thanksgiving, so he hasn't had the chance to walk outside and explore. So Saturday was his chance, and boy did he ever take advantage of it! (Most of these shots are of his back -- sorry! He was so hard to keep up with.)

Can you tell who he was chasing in this picture?

He had quite the pep in his step. He loved every minute of it, too! If I tried to pick him up to steer him in another direction (usually away from mud), he squirmed and grunted until he was placed back on the ground. 

So much to explore. Looking at this picture, he seems to small, and he is. But he's so big, too. Where did my little baby boy go?

Now he's this speed-walking smiley face little boy (who loves the outdoors as much as big brother does).

This stick that he chewed on was the only thing that slowed him down.

But not for long...

Big day

Friday was a big day. We started to see some real progress on our house. Heath had prepped the slab the day before, and the pump truck and concrete truck showed up bright and early Friday morning.


Wait. First I have to make sure that everyone knows about Doggetts and concrete. Do you know? If not, here it is ... concrete is the Doggett family trade. You know what I mean by trade, right?

trade (n) some line of skilled manual or mechanical work; craft

Marlo (Heath's dad)  had a concrete business when Heath was growing up, and because it was in the family, Heath began finishing concrete when he was 12 years old. Since then, he's poured many slabs, sidewalks, porches, and so on. He takes pride in his work, and with the whole I'm-married-to-him-gotta-brag-on-him aside, he's really good at it, too. So when it came time to pour the basement slab for his own house, it was only natural for him to be the one to finish it.

And he did. He had some help since it was a big pour, but all in all, Heath finished it out.

Cash and I even drove down early Friday morning so he could see the action. 

Cash kept saying, "Dat Daddy's contrete."

Yeah, he doesn't look excited here, but he was. He looks more like your typical superintendent, doesn't he? I guess he needs a cup of coffee and a cell phone though. :)

So you ask about that next generation of concrete finishers? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Have I ever mentioned this little guy's name before?

This is Kennick, my nephew, and Cash's "best, best friend."

They are five months apart and as close as cousins can be, and with us living only a few streets away from my sister and brother-in-law, Cash and Kennick are getting to see lots and lots of each other. Although they have their occasional spats and "learning-to-share" disagreements, they get along really well. I've enjoyed watching them grow up together over the past two years, and I'm sure Karalee has, too.  Here's looking back ...

November 30, 2008 - Cash meeting Kennick the night he was born
January 2009 - A love pat from big cousin.
April 2009 - Like I said, they don't always get along.

August 2009 - Love Kennick's face here. I think Karalee would agree that Kennick is the little comedian, while Cash is the more serious guy.

October 2009 - Hanging out in Grammy's little rocker.
February 2010 - Waiting for "Raffi."

July 2010 - Hot Rods fans

July 2010 - This picture says so much!

September 2010 - Playing with O.
December 2010 - Electrifying fun.

December 2010 - At Chuck E. Cheese's
December 2010 - Riding horses at Gran-Granny's. It's a monkey-see monkey-do kind of world with them.

 Cash is a pretty "lucky" guy to have a cousin that he can grow up with, and I hope that they will always be close, even when we're back in BG.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Guessing game

Do you like guessing games?

I do.

Care to take a guess?

What is Cash and Baylen's favorite new thing?

An old friend and a compactor

On Thursday, Heath got a little help from an old friend.

By old I mean they go way back, not old as having to do with age.

Because this friend is not old. He's the same age as Heath.

But I guess if you think Heath is old, like Cash does, then I guess maybe this friend is old, too.

Here is Heath's old friend, and my new(er) friend (since I've only known him about six years). Did I mention they grew up as neighbors swinging across a creek from an old rope?

Yeah, they go that far back.

Thanks, DT. With your help, the slab was ready to pour on Friday.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Goals for 2011

At the beginning of every year, I like to sit down and think about what I would like to accomplish in the next twelve months. Some years I focus more on health (one year I went without any kind of soda), and other years I focus on education and career (another year I wanted to take the GRE and begin my Masters). Last year, I wanted to potty train Cash and sell the house. Interesting, right? Both were somewhat out of my control, but both were accomplished. What about this year?

At the very beginning of this year, I told myself that I wasn't going to make any concrete goals. I just wanted to be settled in our house before it turned 2012 (hopefully well before 2012). But then I heard a sermon at church and began to rethink all the goals I had ever set for myself. Health, career, education, milestones ... I had been totally missing the biggest and most important goal of my life.

Colossians 1:3-14

3 We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, 4 because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people— 5 the faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in heaven and about which you have already heard in the true message of the gospel 6 that has come to you. In the same way, the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world—just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace. 7 You learned it from Epaphras, our dear fellow servant, who is a faithful minister of Christ on our behalf, 8 and who also told us of your love in the Spirit.
9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. 13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

The pastor told us that every aspect of our lives is called to be a part of your Christian life - every aspect, from decisions about moving to how we address our spouses and children, what we watch on television and the activities that we do with our families. It made me think, was mine? Does my life reflect Christ? Do I allow every area of my life to be spirit-filled?

I know that my life has been changed by Jesus Christ. Just as this pastor said, I may live in the same house and wear the same clothes, but Jesus Christ has changed me, and I have been transferred to the Kingdom of the Beloved Son. But do I see the change?

Do I think about that as I go through my day? Is the sacrifice that Christ Jesus made on my mind? The worldview is so often pushed into our lives through TV, movies, books, and music. It makes a difference when you start to see these as "fuel on the domain of darkness." Once you've been changed, you view strength, wisdom, knowledge, joy, and love differently. I have been rescued from that dark domain and been delivered into His Kingdom, and so, I should strive to fill my life with things that point to Him, not to the world.

He also brought up these questions - Is it normal to grow as a Christian? Is there tangible evidence? How can I show that I'm growing? These questions are hard for me. As housework and babies seem to be at the front of my priorities, I wonder if I have my priorities in the right order. Don't get me wrong, I know that God has a plan for me in staying at home, but I am a child of God first, and He should be at the top of my list. How can I be the wife and mother that He wants me to be if I am not growing and filled with the Spirit?

Paul says in this passage that the gospel is bearing fruit and growing around the world, just as it has been doing among you... but is it growing in me? The pastor said that there would be physical measurements when we make changes. I believe that those measurements would not be in inches or pounds (like with a diet), but with a walk that is closer to God, closer to our spouses, and Christian friends. I believe that others would see this difference, and it would possibly impact their lives, too.

So as I am starting this new year, I've had a new focus - everything else aside, I want to strive to become more spirit-filled, and as my scripture for this week says, the only way to be spirit-filled is to be in the Word. Time management has always been a problem for me, and with sleepless nights and schedules that are off and on, sitting down to be in the Word is hard. I'm working on it though, and I feel that little steps are better than no steps at all. (prayers please)

Favorite Five: Spices

When Heath and I got married, one of the first things that I had to adjust to was his cooking. Don't get me wrong. He's a great cook -- what a blessing, right? But we just grew up eating foods that were completely different. In other words, Marlo and Ann (Heath's parents) seasoned food to perfection, experimented with flavors (especially the hot ones) and, in Emeril's terms - BAM! My parents, on the other hand, cooked the food as it was, maybe with some salt, and served it up. I was fine with it, and I ate it not knowing any different.

But I was married, and my food began to taste different. For example, when Heath would cook hamburgers for us, I gawked at the amount of "extra" stuff he threw in there. "What's that?" or "I'm not sure if I'll like that." were heard around our kitchen.

It didn't take long though, and I was hooked. (Have you ever had one of Heath's hamburgers? Delicious!) Everything he cooks is wonderful - can we count cooking as one of his gifts? And now, I'd rather have my hamburgers "jazzed" up, my chili a little (note: I said little) spicy and my chicken with some tang. I'm not yet eating Doritos and Tabasco though.

So I thought that I would give you our favorite five spices (because you know, I'm cooking with a bit more "mad flava," too).

1. Garlic
Putting all medicinal positives aside, garlic is great in so many dishes. We use it in hamburgers, spaghetti, and our pizza sauce would not be worth a dime if we didn't have garlic. We have used fresh garlic before, but to make it a bit more easy, we buy the jar at the store and keep in the refrigerator door. Heath goes through at least a jar when he's making his gallons (yes, gallons) of salsa in August. A little goes a long way, but sometimes, more is perfect!

2. Black Pepper
Usually this is fresh ground at the stove or at the table, but since we moved in with my parents, our pepper grinder got boxed up, and we use the pepper shakers that they have. Sprinkle it on scrambled eggs, frozen pizza (gasp, yes, Heath occasionally has frozen pizzas), mashed potatoes, etc. etc. Lots of it goes into fresh pico, and even our lil' man has started asking for it at the dinner table. (I know there are some health arguments towards red pepper being better, but I guess we just haven't made the switch.)

3. Montreal Steak
Steaks, hamburgers -- couldn't have them without it.

4. Italian Seasoning
Garlic, italian seasoning, olive oil, tomatoes -- the perfect homemade pizza sauce. I shake some on top of those (sinful) frozen pizzas and add a shake or two to our baked spaghetti, too. Yummy!

5. Cinnamon
You know that Heath loves things hot, and now you have to know that I have the ultra sweet tooth. Sad thing is, I've passed it down to lil' man. Cinnamon gets added to toast, applesauce, pancake batter, oatmeal cookies - you name it. And it's not horrible for you. It helps regulate blood sugar and aids in digestion (but I think those are when added regularly to your diet -- hmm, maybe I should try that).

So, what are your favorite five?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

"feed doz bebe towls"

That's what Cash said all the way out to Roseville last Sunday as we were on our way to my aunt's farm to "feed those baby cows." We had been given an open invitation to come and help feed, but with nap time and yucky weather being factors, we hadn't had a chance since we were in Glasgow. But it just so happened that last Sunday (yes, my birthday) everything fell into place and off we went to "Kaffy and BP's."

I love her barn quilt. My sister painted it for her. It's perfect for this barn, I think.

Armed and ready.

This isn't as easy as it looks. These little guys really pack some punch when they are eating. Makes me glad I'm not on the receiving end of it!

Cash was amazed by all the slobber. So amazed that he wasn't that interested in petting him.

Cash named the other calf Whitey. Guess what he named this one...

Can anyone else say that the highlight of their 30th birthday
was feeding a baby cow?
Probably not.

Snow art and an update

What is this lil' man doing?

Why is he outside with a squirt bottle?

He's painting the snow, of course.

Yes, we painted the snow! Cheap (96 cents) squirt bottles, water and food coloring make the perfect snow toy, and Grammy and Grandad had the prettiest snow on the street!

Excuse the dark pictures. It was late afternoon when we were outside, and these were taken before I knew about the 18% gray (ha, ha).

A work of (cold) art, don't you think?

Cash even made some colorful snowballs. When he threw them at the trees, it left art all over the tree bark, too. (Yes, he has mittens, and no, he doesn't like wearing them.)

We couldn't be outside in the snow without doing some sledding, too.

For those of you who have asked how the house building is going -- the answer is: slowly. With all these days of snow and freezing temperatures, pouring concrete and laying block and brick haven't been possible. So instead of starting the framing on Tuesday like we had planned, this is what we have right now ...

It goes to show that God's plan is sometimes different than our own. Which is alright. Besides, if we didn't have all this snow lately, I wouldn't be making snowy memories with my sweet Cash.

He gives snow like wool; He scatters the frost like ashes.
- Psalm 147:16

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ten Months

Every evening around eight o'clock, my sweet Baylen starts to get a little grumpy and whiney. He finds his blue, silk blanket (known as his woobie), and then he finds me.

And this begins my favorite.

He's had a big day (because everyday with a baby and toddler is a big day), and now he is tired. With pajamas on, we snuggle together in my red glider and his eyes slowly close as I sing him to sleep. As he nurses, I sing one of his three favorites, "Twinkle, Twinkle" "Seek Ye First" or "The Gambler."

This is my favorite.

After he is finished and fast asleep, I bring him up to lay on my chest and we snuggle some more. This is when I thank God for sending him to us healthy and happy, and this is when I pray for his salvation. This is when I squeeze him tight, kiss him on his forehead, and then lay him in his crib asking God to let me do it all over again the next night.

This is my favorite.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Cash has a new favorite place. Move over play-place-in-BG-which-I-won't-name. There is some EXTREME fun to be had in Glasgow!

We went last Wednesday when there was snow and ice all around. We were the only little kids there (there were some girls doing gymnastics with the owner), and we took full advantage of all the room to run around. There's a foam block pit to jump in - it evens has a rope to swing on! Cash's reaction when he saw all the fun? "Oh, mommy!"

After Cash landed in the pit.

Baylen loved the pit, too. I put him in it, and he crawled around.
He preferred to sit and practice his clapping.

There is also an inflatable castle complete with a tall slide.
(Don't you love Cash's hair? I do.)

Here Cash is rolling some kind of gymnastics training thing (love the wording, don't you?) I'm not sure he was supposed to play with it, but he fun rolling it around - and rolling over it.

So I didn't take very many pictures - because I was having too much fun! There's also a huge trampoline, balance beams, and plenty of bars to swing on and over. We'll definitely be going back this winter!