Saturday, January 15, 2011

Farewell to my 20's

Today is officially the last day I can say that I'm "twenty-something." Yes, tomorrow, I turn thirty. I've heard lots of stories from different people of "when I turned thirty." My favorite is the very dramatic "I stayed in bed all day." No, in case you're wondering, that's not my plan for tomorrow or today for that matter.

I'm not upset about turning thirty. Bring it on. I'm ready for it - really it's just another day, right? Don't get me wrong. I've thought about it. Yes, I have gray hairs, the beginnings of some nice crow's feet, and I believe my pores are getting bigger. But I'm not going to dwell on the so-called negative parts of getting older. (Let me remind you: Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness. Proverbs 16:31) I've been so richly blessed by my Savior in the past thirty years, that I can only look at all the wonderful parts of my life.

Looking back, I was raised by two of the most loving parents God could give a baby. They taught me love in return, how to live life positively, and to never take anything for granted. I have a sister who has never stopped encouraging me and inspiring me. Family is a huge part of my life, and I know that is because I've been given the best grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins a girl could have. I graduated with decent grades from a high school that instilled lifetime learning, and went on to graduate three times (yes, three) from a top-notch university. I was able to teach the leaders of tomorrow at the best elementary school in Bowling Green with the best teachers in the world :) God then allowed me to meet and wed the man that He created for me, and since then has blessed me with two of the sweetest baby boys on the earth. Yes, God has been good to me.

So looking on? I'll continue to spend time with my family, savor the moments with my husband, hold on to the quiet times with my boys, and continue to live every day for my Heavenly Father.

What more could a gal ask for?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this! You are such a good writer! Happy Birthday from someone who is looking at 50 in a couple of years. You are a baby! :)
Love, Maura