Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ten Months

Every evening around eight o'clock, my sweet Baylen starts to get a little grumpy and whiney. He finds his blue, silk blanket (known as his woobie), and then he finds me.

And this begins my favorite.

He's had a big day (because everyday with a baby and toddler is a big day), and now he is tired. With pajamas on, we snuggle together in my red glider and his eyes slowly close as I sing him to sleep. As he nurses, I sing one of his three favorites, "Twinkle, Twinkle" "Seek Ye First" or "The Gambler."

This is my favorite.

After he is finished and fast asleep, I bring him up to lay on my chest and we snuggle some more. This is when I thank God for sending him to us healthy and happy, and this is when I pray for his salvation. This is when I squeeze him tight, kiss him on his forehead, and then lay him in his crib asking God to let me do it all over again the next night.

This is my favorite.

1 comment:

heath said...

i like this post. such a precious boy.