Friday, January 28, 2011

Favorite Five: Spices

When Heath and I got married, one of the first things that I had to adjust to was his cooking. Don't get me wrong. He's a great cook -- what a blessing, right? But we just grew up eating foods that were completely different. In other words, Marlo and Ann (Heath's parents) seasoned food to perfection, experimented with flavors (especially the hot ones) and, in Emeril's terms - BAM! My parents, on the other hand, cooked the food as it was, maybe with some salt, and served it up. I was fine with it, and I ate it not knowing any different.

But I was married, and my food began to taste different. For example, when Heath would cook hamburgers for us, I gawked at the amount of "extra" stuff he threw in there. "What's that?" or "I'm not sure if I'll like that." were heard around our kitchen.

It didn't take long though, and I was hooked. (Have you ever had one of Heath's hamburgers? Delicious!) Everything he cooks is wonderful - can we count cooking as one of his gifts? And now, I'd rather have my hamburgers "jazzed" up, my chili a little (note: I said little) spicy and my chicken with some tang. I'm not yet eating Doritos and Tabasco though.

So I thought that I would give you our favorite five spices (because you know, I'm cooking with a bit more "mad flava," too).

1. Garlic
Putting all medicinal positives aside, garlic is great in so many dishes. We use it in hamburgers, spaghetti, and our pizza sauce would not be worth a dime if we didn't have garlic. We have used fresh garlic before, but to make it a bit more easy, we buy the jar at the store and keep in the refrigerator door. Heath goes through at least a jar when he's making his gallons (yes, gallons) of salsa in August. A little goes a long way, but sometimes, more is perfect!

2. Black Pepper
Usually this is fresh ground at the stove or at the table, but since we moved in with my parents, our pepper grinder got boxed up, and we use the pepper shakers that they have. Sprinkle it on scrambled eggs, frozen pizza (gasp, yes, Heath occasionally has frozen pizzas), mashed potatoes, etc. etc. Lots of it goes into fresh pico, and even our lil' man has started asking for it at the dinner table. (I know there are some health arguments towards red pepper being better, but I guess we just haven't made the switch.)

3. Montreal Steak
Steaks, hamburgers -- couldn't have them without it.

4. Italian Seasoning
Garlic, italian seasoning, olive oil, tomatoes -- the perfect homemade pizza sauce. I shake some on top of those (sinful) frozen pizzas and add a shake or two to our baked spaghetti, too. Yummy!

5. Cinnamon
You know that Heath loves things hot, and now you have to know that I have the ultra sweet tooth. Sad thing is, I've passed it down to lil' man. Cinnamon gets added to toast, applesauce, pancake batter, oatmeal cookies - you name it. And it's not horrible for you. It helps regulate blood sugar and aids in digestion (but I think those are when added regularly to your diet -- hmm, maybe I should try that).

So, what are your favorite five?


amy pike said...

All of those except we haven't tried #3. Steaks we use garlic salt and black peppers and hamburgers we add worcestershire sauce, garlic salt, and pepper. Another favorite is coarse seasoning salt on pork chops and chicken breasts. Yum, now I'm hungry!

beth keltner said...

we LOVE all those too!!! ben is particularly fond of the pecan rub from the green egg/grill shop on broadway--he puts it on everything grilled and it's super yummy on squash, zucchini and onion grill packs with some olive oil!! i'm hungry now too! :) and yes, your hubby has a true gift in the kitchen--i'm thinking lessons for ben!

bhavini said...

Cumin, garam masala, Cardamom,saffron, nutmeg,thai chili, basil.