Thursday, August 18, 2011

Another deal

Here's my favorite deal of the week. It's not such a huge deal, but because I found a new squash casserole recipe that the family loves, I wanted to stock up on some of these soups.

Campbell soups are usually over a $1 at Kroger and Wal-Mart, but this week Walgreens had them for 79 cents each. I also had a $1 coupon for 5 cans. So I got each can for 59 cents. What a deal, right?

In the picture, Baylen is holding the shaving cream. It's usually $2.42, but I price-matched it with Walgreens where it was $1.99. I also had a printable coupon for 50 cents off. 

So I guess I shared two deals with you this week!

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