Thursday, August 4, 2011

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again

On Sunday, the 17th, Heath and I decided we wanted to take the boys to the water park after Cash's nap. We hadn't been this summer, because I don't trust myself to take both the boys by myself, and Heath had been busy with the house. Anyway, this particular Sunday was the perfect opportunity. It's half price after 4:00, so we were going to take advantage of the deal and go.

We loaded the bags with towels, snacks, bottles of water, and sunglasses, packed the boys and the bags in the car and off we went. Cash was super excited. He loved the water park the first year we took him, but I don't think he remembered it. Baylen was excited to, mainly because Cash was excited about something. When we arrived, we were told that they had closed the pool because they had heard thunder. Hmmm. We learned that the policy is in case of thunder or lightning, they have to clear the pool for 30 minutes. Darn. That wouldn't give us time to play, and the lady even said they might not open it back up at all. She said the sky was looking dark. What?!

So completely bummed we walked away, strapped boys in their car seats, and drove back towards home. -- But then an idea flew into my funnel (Thomas the Train joke). What about the fountains at Circus Square Park? And away we went ...

It was quite the busy place. Kiddos running everywhere, parents relaxing on blankets and on benches. Too much fun!

B decided to take it all in while he finished his banana.

Cash, on the other hand, ran right in getting absolutely soaked, and he loved it!

After finishing the banana, B checked it out, with the help of Heath.
Note: If you ever take your little ones (like B's age) you have to watch carefully. Kids (and sometimes large women who talk a lot and don't watch where they are going) can get to having so much fun they aren't too careful as to where they are running.

Yay! We finally found some water to play in!

Love this little guy!

Here they are chasing a butterfly. Such simple fun...

Cash decided to get out his water football while we were at the fountains. I warned him that if he got it out, he would have lots of new friends that would want to play, too, and I was right. See the guy on the other side of Heath? Yeah, he became our new best friend very quickly. Heath had fun playing catch with them through the fountains. The trick was getting the water football back when we were ready to leave...

But yes, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again -- and actually, we had more fun here, I think, than we would have at the water park.

And it was free!!!

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