Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Little brown hop-toad

Ever since the topsoil was delivered, we have noticed that there's a huge frog population around the house. Cash, especially, has noticed these little guys. We've been catching them (that means I've been running around tripping over my feet trying to catch them) and putting them in his bug house.

Here's a picture of one of the little guys. He calls them "little brown hop-toads." Can you tell we've been reading The Pokey, Little Puppy lately?

I love seeing Cash's personality come through. He's very careful with them. He doesn't shake the bug house or poke at them, and he talks to them - just like it's a new friend.

We found this little guy, too, but Cash didn't want to put it in his bug house with his little friend because "it might will scare it."

He did take his hop-toad friend for  ride in his wagon though.

And he found another hop-toad to keep him company.

Soon we had three hop-toads.

But it didn't take long for my lil' man to want them to "go home."
When I asked him why he wanted them to "go home," he said, "Because they miss their mommy."
He has such a sweet, sensitive, tender heart.

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