Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A deal and a sword

Yesterday, the boys and I took a trip into town to visit Walgreens. I had been doing some planning, and I thought I could get a good deal on some things that we use. The boys were on their best behavior while I was searching for the deals, so I gave in and bought them each a fun treat in the summer clearance aisle. 

Here's the morning in two pictures:

All this for $3.83. I think it's safe to say we don't need body wash or soap for awhile. :)

Do you see what Cash picked out? He had been wanting a sword for quite some time (he saw Tom and Jerry fighting with one on his cartoons). So for 99 cents, he got his own foam sword. He fought every imaginary mouse at the park that morning. (B picked out a lumpy ball that bounced funny. He had more fun climbing on the playground equipment though.)

So that's what we've been up to. What about you?

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wow. That is a great deal. You make me want to start couponing! Emery loves swords, we bought one at a yard sale this summer! I told him if he hit someone with it I would take it away, amazingly he still has it! Both Emery and Caroline LOVE Tom and Jerry. We have several movies that they enjoy watching. I wish the old cartoons still came on regular TV. Oh, well at least with DVD's we watch when it is convenient, and for regulated amounts of time. Sounds like you all had a busy day yesterday!