Saturday, August 13, 2011

One down, three to go

On August 2nd, Heath rushed home from work to pour the first of four sections of concrete for the pad out by the garage. Cash had been excited all day about the "contrete trut" coming to the house, and from the time he woke up from his nap all conversations were about daddy coming home to pour that concrete. Honestly, I was a little excited about it, too. I think I've mentioned this before, but I'm hoping that when we get the concrete finished, the amount of gravel dust on the hardwood floors will decrease. We'll see. 

Here we go. 7 yards of concrete and one man. Can it happen?

He was working hard getting it down. Part of me thought I should get out there and help, but the smarter part of me knew that I should just stay on the side and watch with the boys.

And that's what we did.

"Daddy! Hey, daddy! Can I help?" After hearing this for the millionth time, Heath brought a shovel full of wet concrete over to the side for Cash to work with. Needless to say, it made Cash's day!

Looking nice -- so proud of my hard-working man.

We decided to let the boys put their handprints in the corner of it. 

Getting B to relax and not dig his fingers into it was the tricky part.

Afterwards, the driver poured out some extra in case Heath needed it. It didn't take long for lil' man to grab a trowel and get busy.

He had the moves. Maybe he'll be the next generation concrete finisher.

With a little help from daddy (beaming with pride) he slicked down a spot in the driveway. Impressive!

Of course, what ever big brother does, little brother has to do, too. Maybe one day they'll have a business together finishing concrete. 
C & B Concrete 
Oh, dear.

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