Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 Reading List

Here goes ... I'm posting it. This is my reading list for the next twelve months. I wasn't going to post it, because if I failed miserably, I didn't want to be reminded of it if people asked. I thought, too, why post it? I'll just keep track of it, but like everything on this blog, I love being able to look back at what was going on in our lives. Plus, I've had some people ask what I plan to read this year, so this is my way of communicating that. 

Let me start from the beginning. One day while at the library with a friend, I thought it was interesting that she picked out books in the children's section for her girls, and then she went over to the other side of the library to find a book for herself. Huh? She actually read for pleasure? She had time? You mean she didn't just read picture books? That's when it dawned on me that I used to read a lot. I loved reading, and I would read anything. I guess my poor time management skills began to take over and with two little boys, a house to keep, etc., my "reading for pleasure" got put on the shelf (no pun intended).

That's when I decided that I would make a goal in the new year to rekindle my love for reading. (On top of the love of reading, I've been thinking lately that my brain is seriously going to dry up from the lack of serious thinking that I've been doing. Does that make sense? I need the challenge of studying and reading to keep the dementia at bay.) I asked some friends (including Heath), read some blogs, and I've come up with, what I think is, a pretty good list. I'm hoping to read two books a month, and I've broken them down to one that is more for spiritual growth and one that's more for fun. It's not always like that, but I've tried to have an "easier read" paired with a more in-depth read.

Twelve Ordinary Men -John MacArthur
The Paris Wife -Paula McLain
Bringing Up Boys -James Dobson
The Help -Kathryn Stockett
Kisses from Katie -Katie Davis
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet -Jamie Ford
Calm My Anxious Heart -Linda Dillow
A Tale of Two Sons -John MacArthur
Shepherding a Child's Heart -Tripp
Treasuring God in Our Traditions -Noel Piper
Boys Should Be Boys - Meeker
Half the Church -James
When I Don't Desire God -John Piper
Sarah's Key -Tatiana de Rosnay
Teach Them Diligently -Priolo
Screwtape Letters -Lewis
Don't Make Me Count to Three -Plowman
A Love that Multiplies -Duggar
Womanly Dominion -Chanski
UnBroken -Hillenbrand
Loving the Little Years -Jankovic
Lies Women Believe -Nancy Leigh DeMoss

I have a few others that I may try to squeeze in, but I'll have to see. One of those is The Money Saving Mom's Budget. I keep up with her blog, and I've read some excerpts from her new book, and I like what I've read. I may try to squeeze it in this winter if I have the time.

I'm also leaving December open for books that I hear about in the coming months. (suggestions?) On top of it all, I'm reading through the Bible this year with my ladies small group. I'm reading around four chapters a day which will take me through the Old Testament once and the New Testament and Psalms twice. With that, I am reading D.A. Carson's For the Love of God daily, too. 

I know it seems like a lot, but I'm hoping that I'll be able to improve my time management and really enjoy reading a lot this year. I'm praying that it will help me to grow as a Christian, improve as a wife and a mother, and just enjoy some leisure reading on the side.

1 comment:

amy pike said...

Love it! I'm still working on mine but, like you, I might go ahead and post it as well. Glad to see some of my choices were on there. Word of caution though...UnBroken is a thick book but a wonderful read.