Wednesday, January 11, 2012

More white shirts

 Do you remember these pictures from this post?

These were taken December of 2010 at our old house. Heath had taken off his button-up shirt from work, Cash had taken off his long-sleeve shirt, and, to help Baylen fit in, I had stripped him down to his onesie. Why? Cause when you play this hard, you get a little hot!

Even at 2 1/2 and 9 months, the boys loved pulling the cushions off the couch, bouncing and jumping, and making forts with daddy.

I don't remember why I had to go into town one evening, but when I got home, I returned to this scene in the living room. Cushions pulled off the couch, stacked on the coffee table, and the two small chairs arranged as bumpers. Whose idea was it? The biggest of the three in white shirts.

Heath made a ramp for the boys to climb up. After they climbed to the top, they would jump down onto the couches. Cash did this all by himself, usually with a small flip involved. B, on the other hand, had some assistance (thankfully).

As seen here, Heath would help Baylen with his jump, as he hasn't really mastered the whole jumping thing yet.

Do I mind my husband turning the living room in to a gymnastics arena for the boys? Not at all! I think it's great for him to play with the boys and keep them active, and I know the boys love it!

Cash, especially, needs an outlet for all his energy. Not being able to be outside really takes a toll on this little guy sometimes. I appreciate, too, any time that we can spend as a family with the TV off.

See the sweaty hair and panting face? Yeah, he was wearing out pretty fast. It's hard work having this much fun!

I had to get another "white t-shirt" picture of my boys. Gracious, my little guys are growing up fast! Sweet faces here...

and silly faces here.

These boys are so blessed to have such a fun-loving daddy! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are indeed "blessed". Long live Heath Doggett.