Thursday, January 12, 2012

Heath's to-do list

I think I mentioned in an earlier post that Heath had a winter to-do list. He's been adding things to it as we come across stuff that can "wait until it's cold weather." They are mostly indoor things that have taken the backseat around here to the more urgent outdoor things (like the concrete pad, retaining wall, landscaping and never-ending task of trying to establish a yard). As soon as he had some free time, though, he started knocking things off his list. Here's a look at what he's been up to:

I know this isn't huge, but it shows Heath's character. He hates a disorganized mess (probably why he never comes upstairs to "my room!"), and his basement had become somewhat of a mess since we moved in. Things were brought in and just put in piles. He had found some time earlier to organize the piles, but still wanted everything to have a place. Now, our ladder golf game, kayaking paddles and boogie board have their own special place. (We have yet to bring our kayak to the house. It's still in dad's hangar at the airport.)

Now some of his yard tools, shovels, etc. have their own place, too.

I'm super excited about this. I mentioned that I wanted my new swing sanded and stained in time for warm weather, and look - it's already done! It looks amazing! He really did an awesome job. Now if we could just find the chains, we'd be all set. (Note to self: Never leave fun swing chains out for little boys to play with them.)

Wonderful, right? Now all his hunting stuff has a place, too. At some point, I think he's going to enclose an area of the basement for his hunting stuff to be separate, but for now, it takes up one corner. 

Heath had never finished the pull-down door going into the attic - mainly because he and the house inspector couldn't agree on how to do it. Here's the job mostly done. I think he's going to paint the door itself with some leftover paint that matches the doors of the house. 

For the past six months, our water hoses just laid all coiled up (though very neatly) on the concrete next to the drain. Now they, too, have their own place.

No. Baylen wasn't on Heath's to-do list, but Heath did make all four of us some sturdy hiking sticks last week. He's hoping we can use them to hike down to the river. I'm just hoping the boys don't decide to use them as swords. B sure seems to like holding his, and Cash used his the other day to "climb dat big gravel pile."

My sweet husband is such a "hard-worker guy" (as Cash would say). He never sits just to relax and watch some TV. He's always on the go, getting things done and making sure things are as they are supposed to be. He does relax at night in his office, reading, studying or catching up on some work, but honestly, there isn't a lazy bone in his body. How grateful I am for my "hard worker guy."

1 comment:

Sara Crane said...

I'm smiling - Heath sounds an awful lot like my dad!!

And I'm envious - I would LOVE to be married to someone who likes hi things "neat and tidy"- the horrible mess in our garage brings me much frustration. And it's like pulling teeth to get anything crossed off his to-do list... but despite it all - I too am VERY grateful for my "hard worker guy" :-)