Saturday, January 14, 2012

First Snow

Last Thursday night, the 12th, we had our first snow of the season, but also our first snow at our new house. We actually woke the boys up early from their naps so we could get some play time in before supper. I'll have to be honest and say that waking the boys up early wasn't the best idea, but they managed to get out of their crummy moods and finally enjoy the snow. 

We didn't have much, but it was still falling. I figured that Heath would be going to work in the morning, so this would probably be the only time Heath would be able to play in the snow with the boys. We bundled them up in their snow pants, snow boots, heavy coats, scarves, hats and mittens/gloves, and then we headed outside. Heath had bought a new sled on his way home, and the boys were super excited about it.

Heath got them situated on the sled, wiped a nose, and then they were ready.

He didn't take them down any hills that night. He mostly just pulled them around the yard. They both weren't sure of it at first. After awhile Cash asked to get off and wanted to just run around in the snow.

I think B was so bundled up that he couldn't move, so we just left him on the sled and pulled him around. :)

Cash loved being outside while the snow was falling. I chased him around the yard. We ran around the trees, up and down the hills making "pootfrints" with our snow boots.

B got to where he really enjoyed just taking a ride in the sled. Heath would pull him around and as he got a little faster, a little smile formed on his face. I think he's going to be my little snow-lover!

As hard as it was getting them awake, in good moods, and dressed to go outside, it was equally as hard trying to get them inside for supper. There were more tears, but I promised them that we would play in the snow some more the next morning.

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