Saturday, January 28, 2012

Yay for Y!

Honestly, I slacked for about a week and a half with school games. I hadn't been doing any searching for fun things to do, we were working out the kinks in our new schedule after adding Musikgarten, tumbling and my own ladies' Bible study, and we were just not with-it after Christmas and the new year. I finally got around to looking at our schedule and rounded up some things to do. I didn't go overboard with the letter for this particular week, because we were still trying to get used to our more-busy days. Cash had been asking for school games though, so with the letter Y, we took it easy and did a few things here and there.

We did, of course, have a Bible verse to memorize, and both boys did really well with it. Cash memorized the entire thing, and B was able to fill in the blanks as we said it with him.

You are my friends if you do whatever I command you. - John 15:14

Mom got Cash some more Do-A-Dots for Christmas, so now we have 12 different colors. Cash was using all his new colors on his Do-A-Dot page this week.

B and I were just practicing using them and then we traced hands and wrote the letter B. He loves purple, so after he saw this violet one, he stuck with it the rest of the time.

Cash was making sure that his colors lined up with the colors on the yo-yo. He became very curious about a yo-yo and asked me if we could find one at the store. I had some Reward money from Toys-R-Us after Christmas, so one day we went and picked out one for him and one for B. Although it was great for him to be able to have one for the letter Y week, it was impossible to teach him how to use it. He was too short for the string, and he just couldn't get the wrist flick down. We'll keep trying though!

Here's Cash putting the different size balls of yarn in order from smallest to biggest.

We also took turns changing the number on this game and counting out balls of yarn, but the highlight of the week was making some "cat toys" for Ruth to play with.

I had found an activity where you can make a yarn doll to play with, but I didn't have to think twice about that to know the boys wouldn't have much interest in it. Instead, I cut off some yarn, gave it to the boys, and we let Ruth in for a bit to play.

She chased the string for quite awhile. The boys squealed! I don't think they'd ever seen her play like that.

Later, I showed them how to make a pom-pom with the yarn, and then we tied it onto the end of the string. Ruth loved playing with it even more.

To celebrate the letter Y, we ate lots of yogurt, read books about yacks getting haircuts and Tabby playing with yarn, and ended the week by watching the Veggie Tales movie God Loves You. (I couldn't find a Y movie!) Even if I didn't plan a lot, we still had a fun week of learning!

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