Monday, January 30, 2012

The $250 Cookie Recipe

Have you heard of the Neiman-Marcus cookie recipe? It's an email that has been forwarded through emails for over a year now. It tells of a lady who ate at a Neiman-Marcus restaurant, and after ordering a salad, they enjoyed a chocolate chip cookie. They loved the cookies so much, they asked for the recipe. Their waitress told them that the recipe was two-fifty. She agreed to pay it, and they added it to her bill. A month later, she received her credit card bill in the mail and saw that the recipe was not $2.50, but $250. She was floored and decided to call the store to argue the amount. In the end she lost, had to pay the $250, but thought she could get back at the store by emailing the recipe out asking for everyone to circulate it around.

I looked the email up on and found out that the story is, of course, false. It actually dates back to 1948, when the same story was told with a recipe of red velvet fudge cake. Interesting. You can read the whole story here. My sister received the email and then forwarded it on to me and my mom a few weeks ago, and after looking at the recipe, mom and I thought we would give it a try. At the time, we didn't know it was false, and thought, 'Hey, if it's that good, we better try it!'

So it's a good thing we halved the recipe. The dough was so thick, but nothing my new mixer couldn't handle!

I rolled them into balls to put on the cookie sheet. It made 56 cookies, so it was a good thing we only did half! They weren't hard to make at all. I had never blended oatmeal, but it wasn't hard at all - just put it in the blender. The hardest part was grating the King size Hershey bar.

And here they are! How were they? Mom said, "I wouldn't pay $250 for them." Baylen ate the majority of one with no complaints while Cash passed on one to throw his bouncy ball around the house. As for me, I thought they were great, a little chocolate-y for me, but I loved the chopped nuts and blended oatmeal effect. If you decide to try it out, let me know what you think.


Sara Crane said...

I've made them before and really liked them! I might have to dig out my recipe and try them again!

Sara Crane said...

Isaiah and I made these yummies this afternoon! He loved being my only helper and putting all the ingredients in and starting the big mixer up. and I love the texture of the finely ground oatmeal in there! thanks for the great inspiration, it'd forgotten how good these were again...