Thursday, January 5, 2012

Deer #2

WARNING: Pictures of dead deer included.

On Monday morning, Heath went hunting down the road at a neighbor's farm. We are both excited about the opportunity to hunt there since it is so close. The other farm where Heath hunts is another county away, making it harder for him to go as often. He texted me at 6:50 and wrote: Doe down. Yay! The boys began waking up, and I fixed their breakfasts explaining to them that Daddy had shot another deer. They were pumped, too.

Heath called during breakfast to tell me that he had gotten his truck stuck in the woods trying to get the deer out. Great. I put coats and slippers on the boys (over their pajamas), put them in the car, and we made the short trip down the road to pick up Heath. To make a long story short, our super awesome neighbor brought his tractor to the woods to pull Heath out of the mud. (We are so thankful for you!)

Although this is "old hat" to Cash, I think it's the first deer picture that Baylen has been a part of. Maybe that's the reason that he did not want to stand on the tailgate with Cash. :)

The weather was supposed to be super cold for the next few days, so Heath hung it in the tree, with Cash's help. Later that afternoon, B kept saying "Deer" and pointing out the window. Heath and I agreed with him and said, "Yeah, B. Daddy's deer is out there." He kept insisting with, "Deer!" We both went to the window and, sure enough, there were deer outside.

Really? Would this not scare you off? I thought it was pretty odd that, even though there's a dead deer hanging in the tree, these two didn't seem to mind.

Oh, me. My mama doe and her two little ones came to graze on the corn and acorns that we had out there. What a strange world!

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