Saturday, October 8, 2011

Batting practice ... inside

You read that right.

We like to have batting practice inside sometimes. It's usually after a late supper. The boys get done eating first, so they have time to grab their bats, a ball or two, and sometimes a batting helmet before Heath is finished with his meal. We have a large foyer that's completely empty (except for a huge cardboard box they play in), so it's perfect for swinging, hitting and running.

Here's B with Cash's old batting helmet and bat, ready for some action. (Yes, he has the helmet on upside down and backwards, but we won't tell him that.)

Future MVP, right?

It's a good thing we have no furniture in the foyer yet, because Cash can hit a solid line drive back to the living room. Watch out!

He has awesome eye-hand coordination. He certainly doesn't get it from me!

It'll be a sad day when I find just the right furniture for this area, but until then ... batter up!

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