Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The "rescue loader"

Heath was finally able to finish the retaining wall outside the garage last week and seal the concrete. It looks awesome! Since that was checked off his list, he was ready to fill in behind the wall with the pile of clay dirt that has been sitting behind it for quite some time, and then he was going to fill in the last four inches with some more topsoil. He decided to go ahead and get a full load because we had some ruts in the yard from that crazy rain that we got this summer, and he also wanted to put some up around the concrete pad so it wouldn't have such a drop-off.

So last Friday, he had a dump truck come in the afternoon with a load of top soil. Cash was already super pumped that a dump truck was coming to his house, but oh, me, he didn't know how much fun it was really going to be (for him).

You see, the driver had come by early that morning to make sure he knew where to dump it and also to make sure that it was dry enough ground that he wouldn't get stuck. Should I continue? If you know anything about our situation with this yard, you know it's been a challenge from the start.

Yes, the dump truck came in, right up through the yard, and got stuck next to Heath's sycamore tree. He couldn't dump his load to help the situation because he was too close to the tree. So they called in a loader to pull him out. 

Can you imagine how excited Cash was? Baylen had just woken up from his nap, so he was still sleepy, but Cash -- crazy excited!

The loader got him un-stuck, and then he turned around to dump the topsoil, dumped it, and ...

got stuck again. Yes. Even though his load was lighter, he still got stuck in the bottom part of the yard. Heath could not believe it - talk about filling in the ruts...

They turned the loader around and hooked up the dump truck again.

He pulled him out and away they went. Cash said, "That rescue loader is tired and has to go back to his shed." Indeed ... it had worked hard.

And here's the added ruts that Heath got to work on that evening. 

I shouldn't complain. We have some awesome neighbors that have let him borrow their Bobcat many, many times. He was able to go pick it up and get the ruts smoothed out and all the topsoil spread out. The retaining wall is backfilled and everything is looking really nice around here.

It never fails though, to depend on our yard and dirt work that comes with it, to keep us humble - and busy.

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