Friday, October 14, 2011

"I"ncredibly fun

I'm a little behind in posting some pictures, but wanted to include them anyway. Two weeks ago, Cash, B and I "studied" the letter I. Honestly, I wasn't too excited about it to begin with, because the curriculum that I purchased includes lots of "Inchworm" activities. If you ask me, "i" could be taught with a number of different words that seemed more fun. Anyway, we went ahead and did some of the inchworm activities, but I found some ice cream games to play, too. It turned out to be a fun week, and we even found an inchworm at a friend's house!

This was, what I thought, a crazy idea, but wanted to try it. I took two gallon sized zip lock bags and filled them full of shaving cream. (Me being the extreme couponer, I had some extras on hand that I got for little or nothing a few weeks ago.) I gave one to each of the boys, and we practiced drawing shapes and writing our letters with our fingers.

Even B got in on it. It's a great tactile-learning tool. It smelled good, too!

We also used craft sticks (a.k.a. tongue depressors) to practice our letters, but using our fingers was more fun.

Here's Cash's big I and little i. He really liked making the dot. :)

This is another one of the problem solving type activities that he loves. He takes the colorful inchworms and makes the same picture as the one given to him. 

I actually laminated these worms so we could do it over and over again. I love my laminator!

Yay for Cash! 

Later in the week we did our magnet sheet, but instead of magnets, I gave him some circle stickers (the ones you use for yard sales) and he put them on the dots. It was a fun change-up, and it still practices that one on one correspondence. Plus, playing with stickers is always a plus!

He's so precise. I think he gets his attention to detail from Heath.

Like I said earlier, we found an inchworm at a friends' house and Cash played with it all the way to town that day. He even took it inside the cell phone store, but lost it while there. It was an interesting search, but not successful. We celebrated the week by eating some yummy ice cream with Grammy and Grandad on Thursday (B had a cookie), and then we watched the Incredibles Friday night. Cash loved the movie, but I think Heath enjoyed it more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you are an awesome mother and your boys are very lucky.