Sunday, May 27, 2012

Baseball at the beach (with a flashback)

Thursday afternoon, Heath and B decided to play a little baseball on the patio. (Yes, our patio was right by the pool, and we loved it! It made walking out to the pool or beach SO simple and short.) Cash was napping inside so these two had some laughs with the water squirter and beach ball.

This boy can make anything into a bat. He's a definite leftie!

Swing, batter, batter!

What a kid -- he had a blast!

He had Heath running all over the patio chasing after the ball. 

I could tell Heath was loving some time with his two little guys!

Here's a flashback for you: Ocotber, 2009

Look who else likes to play baseball on the patio! Cash is 15 months old here. On the way down to the beach this trip, we had stopped in Atlanta to see a game. We bought him his very first bat at that game, and he treasured it the entire vacation.

Here he is taking it to the pool with him. :)

Heath and Cash were working on his skills here. Nothing like taking some time out for baseball while at the beach!

Heath was holding it for him here, and he would hit it. Notice the tongue -- concentrating so hard!

Love that belly! Oh, my, where did this little guy go?

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