Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Nn and faces

With spring officially here, it has been harder and harder to squeeze in time for school games. I've heard from homeschool moms that it's a good idea to start the school year in July when it's so hot (therefore less urge to be outside) and then the school year would be over earlier in the year. Hindsight is 20/20, right? As for us, it's mid-May and we still have a handful of letters to learn. 

Cash has been chugging away at them though. He's writing them all fairly well, learning the sounds each makes really well, and, with the help of our speech teacher friend, he's perfecting the sounds of the ones in his weak areas. 

This past week we've been learning the letter Nn. The curriculum that I'm using teaches the letter Nn with nest. We've talked about dinosaur nests, bird nests (of course) and even Big Bird's nest. On this particular day, we were starting off the week with some basics. It turned from school games to some pretty silly faces.

Last fall when we started school games, Cash didn't really enjoy the letter discs, but as the year has passed by, it's become a favorite. Baylen even uses the letter discs, too. I'll lay aside the letters that he needs and he'll match them to the word. Cash just picks through the pile of discs and makes the word on his own.

Happy face. Big eyes.

Big smile! Does anyone else think he's starting to look more like Heath?

This is his trademark silly face. Notice the blue Play-doh under his fingernail. We started the morning making the big N and little n with our Play-doh.

Goof ball - but with the Pelham brown eyes.

On this particular day, Baylen was a right-handed student. We're still trying to figure him out. 

Of course, he had to throw in a silly face, too. :)

Then he decided he wanted to use the Do-A-Dot markers (left-handed).

Love my mornings doing school games with my boys!

1 comment:

The Bagby Family Abe, Nereida, and Isaac said...

I could use some ideas from you for Isaac!!