Sunday, May 6, 2012

Plantin' time

After getting the garden plowed and tilled earlier in the week, on the 27th, we were ready to plant. We had a big breakfast (as we always do on Saturday mornings) and we all headed up the hill to get busy. Our goal was to get everything that we had planted before lunch time. I had picked up most of the plants that we needed and had some seed for a few things, too. I still had to pick up a few different tomato plants from town later the next week, though.

Heath started out by raking the spot nice and smooth. Notice that he's barefoot. I've looked all over for a similar picture that I took back in 2005 at our old house. We attempted a small garden in our backyard and I thought it was funny then that he gardened without shoes. I still think it's funny.

The boys kept busy using their machines in the fresh soil. We made it very clear that they could play in the garden then, but not after we had planted the seeds and little plants.

The boys helped for awhile, but this was mostly my task. We had brought the red wagon up, so I loaded it with rocks from the garden as Heath raked them up.

They were doing some serious working with their machines, but as soon as I got out the seeds, they changed their direction.

Here we are planting some corn seeds, three in each hole. They did a great job. At the time I thought we might be burying them a bit too deep, but they ended up sprouting just fine.

Baylen started to get real fussy after we had planted the seeds for corn and beans. I picked him up and cuddled him just a bit and this was the end result. Remember that wagon full of rocks? Yes, I sat on it holding a sleeping two year-old while Heath finished planting the garden and Cash played in the gravel.

I tried taking him to the house to lay him in his bed, but he woke up and wanted to go back up to the garden. So much for me helping with the planting. :)

Here's what it looked like when we were finished. We had finished one row of beans, two small rows of corn, two zucchini plants, four tomato plants, four bell pepper plants and a whole flock of seed potatoes. I had also planted lots of harvest sunflowers, giant sunflowers and some zinnias on the edge of the garden, because, of course, a garden should be pretty, too. Right?

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