Friday, May 4, 2012

More trees for our "wooded lot"

On the same Saturday that Heath and Cash went turkey hunting, B and I attended the Arbor Day celebration in town at one of the parks (I don't name that park mainly because I'm not sure how to spell it). When I say we attended the celebration, what I really mean is that I carried a sleeping B from the parking lot to the pavilion while it was sprinkling, retrieved seven free trees and then walked back to the car (still sprinkling) to head to the farmer's market. I'm not sure why I had such a feeling of need for these trees, but Heath and I like trees, we have some "bare" spots, I needed to keep B's mind off the fact that he didn't get to go hunting, and so we ended up with seven tree seedlings.

They stayed in their bags leaning up against the garage wall for about a week until finally Heath had a slow afternoon. The boys were more than willing to help him out. They grabbed a machine and a shovel and followed him around the yard.

B was pretty sure that a backhoe was needed for this job. (I'm not sure why, but I love this picture. I think it captures this little guy well. Pant leg up, machine in hand, watching daddy.)

Cash immediately went to work "roughing up the ground."

Being the busy PM he is, Heath had to stop mid-digging to take a phone call from one of the office assistants. Notice the boys kept on working.

Baylen thought this was the funniest thing ever. Heath would set up his shovel and then jump on it to really get a deep hole. Every time he went flying into the air, B would start with some uncontrollable laughter. 

Here he is laughing at Heath. It was pretty funny seeing the two of them "working together."

Can you see the two trees? These are the Hemlocks that we planted. I'm thinking that in a few years, a retake of this same picture will be fun. Two growing boys and two growing trees!

For the next two trees, Heath decided he needed his pickaxe (is that what it's called?). Cash was very curious about this tool and his little hands were itching to get ahold of it.

Here he is proving to me that he had "big muscles" to use daddy's pickaxe.

After a bit of digging, Heath was ready to share, and Cash got his wish. Look at these three busy workers!

In the end Heath planted two Hemlocks, two redbuds, one gingko and two black somethings. I don't remember what they were, maybe black walnut, black gum? Are there such things? All I remember is the black part of the name. Oh, well. Yay for seven new trees for our "wooded lot!"

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