Monday, May 7, 2012

Super idea

Last Wednesday, I had a super idea. You know, one of those that saves the day allowing mommy to get something done and boys to have fun? Yeah, it was one of those kinds of ideas.

I had picked up a few more plants (tomatoes and peppers) the day before in Glasgow, and I wanted to get them in the ground before the next rain. So my idea was ... let the boys run through our new sprinkler close to the garden while I did some work. Perfect!

Here's Cash running through the new sprinkler that aunt Ali gave to Baylen for his birthday. It was definitely a hot enough day to try it out.  They were hesitant at first, but after they got good and wet, they loved it!

Notice the water shoes - they are perfect for running through the water up close to the garden. You never know what you're going to find up there. Thanks, Grammy!

Yay! I finished planting a few more things and then put my garden stakes from Karalee in the ground, too. Looks wonderful, if you ask me!

They did a bit more playing. Baylen started wondering over to the gravel pile. Hmmm... wet boy and a bunch of gravel dust? Not the best combination.

But I hosed them both off and we headed back down the hill towards the house. Yes indeed, it was one of those super wonderful ideas! :)

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