Wednesday, May 2, 2012


For the past four months, Baylen and I have been enjoying some wonderful Mommy-B time together at Musikgarten. Every Monday morning, my mom comes down from Glasgow and either plays with Cash at the house or takes him on errands with her while B and I go to Hopscotch's Playplace for a thirty-minute class full of bouncing songs, clapping, singing, instruments, dancing and lots of smiles.

Before I go farther, let me explain that Cash attended the same Musikgarten classes with me from the time he was 6 months old until we moved to Glasgow when he was two and a half. I figured it was time for B to have some one-on-one time with Mommy (and me with him) so it's worked out perfectly. (Cash loves getting Grammy time, too!)

On Monday, the 30th, we had our last class of the spring semester. I decided to take my camera along to get some shots of B having some fun. It's something I always wanted to do with Cash, but never remembered to bring my camera to class.

For the last class, Ms. Kari let each of the kids pick their favorite from the semester to sing. "Bow, wow, wow!" was one of the boys' favorites, and so each of them got a turn hitting the instrument with the mallet. B enjoyed it, as you can tell.

Here's Avery and her mom during the same song. They are good friends of ours from Living Hope.

Baylen also loves the shakers, although he doesn't really shake them during the song. He likes to sit and stack them or use one as a hammer and one as a nail. :)

Here he is dancing with scarves (he stole mine while I had my camera). Love that sweet, happy face!

Bella Joy is another friend of ours from Living Hope. Bella and Baylen originally had the same due date, March 24th, but Bella ended up coming a week earlier that B. You can tell she loves some scarf dancing, too!

Big smile for Musikgarten!

At the end of the class, Ms. Kari got out all of her instruments and let the kids practice each of them. Baylen loved the cymbals!

He wasn't so sure about these jingle bells.

Here's his class. It was a great group of kids this time -- see you in the fall!

Baylen and Ms. Kari

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this--it brought happy tears to my eyes! I am so blessed to have these children and their mommies in my life. Thank you for sharing them with me and this blog.

God bless,
Ms. Kari