Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Gone fishin'

After supper, we loaded up and drove down the road just a bit to aunt Kathy's farm to do some fishing and play in the creek. The boys love this place, and I do, too. What a wonderful place to make memories!

B was excited about some fishing, but his attention span didn't last too long. He ended up playing in the grass next to Heath while he did most of the fishing.

Cahs was all ready to go. He had been wanting to go fishing for weeks. He was determined to do it all by himself though.

Finally, he gave in and let Bubba help. (It was safer this way.)

Grammy and Grandad sat on the tailgate watching the action and enjoying the evening.

Like father like son


The only catch of the night was "Baylen's first fish." He was very proud of it, and we'll let him call this his first fish, but I'm not sure he had much to do with the process. *wink wink*

Aunt Kathy even tried to help Cash catch a fish, but with no luck. He did end up covered in the blue dye that's in the water. :)

And later Kennick wanted to go for a ride on the mule. Grandad and O took him for a spin around the fields. Happy Memorial Day to all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll pay you to cut that picture of me out of your blog, I am glad you all enjoy my pond though.